Our Core VAlues
1. We elevate Christ in all that we do. In all things, we seek to give Christ the preeminence. (Colossians 1:18, Revelation 4:11, 1 Corinthians 10:31)
2. We submit to God’s Word. Above all, we want to please God and stay true to His Word. We would rather be biblical than be popular. (2 Timothy 3:14-17, Acts 5:29, 2 Timothy 1:13)
3. We engage with the gospel. The truths of God’s Word apply equally to every generation and every background. Sharing the life-changing truth of the gospel is the most compassionate and important endeavor in which we can be involved. (Matthew 28:18-20, 1 Timothy 2:3-6)
4. We enjoy serving Jesus. We enjoy church life. Serving the Lord is not simply a duty, it is fun. Because of this we serve together with joy and passion. It is the outflowing of Christ in us. (Psalm 100:2, Nehemiah 8:10)
5. We live by faith. We believe God is able. We strive to be excellent. We sacrifice, believing God will replenish. (Ecclesiastes 9:10, Philippians 3:13-14, Daniel 6:3)

Our History
First organized in 1949 by Highland Park Baptist Church as a satellite church, Park City Baptist Church was completed in 1952. The first pastor of Park City Baptist Church was Bro Paul Norris. In 1988, Pastor Bud Lindsay organized and renamed Park City Baptist to New Hope Baptist Church. Since then, New Hope Baptist Church has continued to share
Christ in the community and around the world for the sake of the Gospel.

Our Pastor
Pastor Chris has served in many capacities within the local church. He has served in youth ministry for over 15 years and was a youth pastor for 10 of those years. In June of 2021, the Lord brought Bro Chris and his family to pastor New Hope Baptist Church. Bro Chris has written a book and has earned his Doctorate in Theology from Andersonville Theological Seminary in Camilla, GA.
Bro Chris and his wife, Jenny, have 3 beautiful girls: MaKenzie, Abby, and Emily.